Grief Counseling

LSCI Provides Grief Counseling Services

Grief is a normal and natural process that occurs in response to a loss. Such losses could relate to the death of a loved one, the break-up of a significant relationship, and academic failure or any significant change in one’s life.

Child Looking Out of the Window

Some Responses to Grief and Loss:

  • Denial, numbness, and shock
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Guilt – based on things you might have done or did not do
  • Anxiety
  • Physical reaction – disruption to daily routines such as sleeping, eating etc.
  • Withdrawal – pulling back from social connections can be common as well
  • Spiritual Crisis – may have difficulty finding answers to the question of why this happened
  • Feeling Scattered: may have difficulty focusing on their work or daily activities

There is no one way to grieve. Everybody incorporates the experience of a loss in his or her own way. If the healing process becomes too overwhelming, seek professional help. For more information, contact one of our offices to make an appointment with a mental health professional.

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!